EHSMU Band Parent Association

Volunteer Opportunities

The Band Parent Association is open to all  parents/guardians who have a student in the marching band program (all instrumental players and visual ensemble members). Your input is needed to ensure a continued quality program that meets the needs of our students, staff, family members and community. Even during the “off season” there is plenty to discuss.

Planning takes place year round! 

Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of the month in the band room of EHS. Meetings begin at 7:00pm and generally last one hour.

Topics discussed generally include band camp, fundraising efforts, equipment, band unform needs, chaperones and band trips.

Meet the Board

Chad Ochs

Vice President
Kristalene Bautista

Brian Foard

Rob Gilbert Photo
Rob Gilbert


There are many volunteer opportunities throughout the season. To help, reach out to any of the above board members. EASD does require clearances to be on file with the Ephrata School District. Click below for more information on clearances.